To Win the Indigo Revolution and invoke the Golden Age requires: Telepathic Awareness, Telekinetic Power, Clairvoyant Vision and Clair~audience to hear the communications from other realms, channel throgh lucid dreaming viewing. it requires effective and powerful thought through actions.
It’s a Challenge but when you were a baby ... you could not walk, talk, do math or anything else until you learned the language. It is now we need to learn the language and you will know when you achiee this level of higher sentience.
Clairvoyance. (clear seeing)
Claircognizance. (clear knowing)
Clairaudience. (clear hearing)
Clairempathy. (clear emotional feeling)
Clairgustance. (clear tasting)
Clairsentience. (clear physical feeling)
Clairtangency. (clear touching)
Clairsalience. (clear smelling)
it begins