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Isis: the Goddess of Marriage, Health, Wisdom Children
Protector of the Dead She is the ideal mother and Wife
Patroness of nature and magic Friend of slaves, sinners
artisans and the downtrodden Isis the mother of Horus
GOLDEN FALCON-headed god of KINGship and Christ
The profane usage of her name is unspeakable
The Sword of karma will strike hard against those who defame her
She brought Osiris back to life the Resurrection of Christ is is born
The sacred nature of Egyptian Names Magic World grown ignorant
Evil IS There, Sehkmet IS the Eye of RA, Powerful ONE, the FLAME
End humanity's darkness brought on by obscenities, chaos and lies
We know nothing in our hearts of the divine feminine
Powerful lioness SEhKMET Goddess to be understood
Righteous hold the ANhK sounding Tone end mystery
Heart of the beast wakes SehKmeT See with Eye of RA
Sekhmet of ancient light and hidden secrets
The blue star burns for Ra's gift of vision
Ptah calls you home to comfort its spirits
The black cat hunts the blood of the wicked
Anubis tracks the shadows of men of war
Sister Bast protects joyful love of Hathor
Mystic star of Regulus lights twin flames
Pyramid Priestesses sing the sacred names
Lionness awake the dreaming goddess Bast
Osiris and the jackal pass the moist air of Maat
Nile runs red with blood of dying pharohs
Arise from desert sands the temple of scarabs
Remember initiations of water, wine and life
Isis finds Osiris in the river of the night sky
Falcon flies through the moon and the sun
Messengers of underworlds awaken the one
Sekhmet lusts for blood of her vengeance breathes
Feline passion cleans the pestilence of evil men
Priestess called to stay with the birth of Nefertem
Lotus of cobra snakes the sun from the soil of Neith
Sekhmet sleeps and dreams the secrets of pyramids
The night is Seth's yet the river always flows within
The Falcon flies one eye blind the other one gold
Hathor heals the vision of Horus the God of Pharohs
For the Lioness and the Liongate - by rysa 2007
Isis: the Goddess of Marriage, Health, Wisdom Children
Protector of the Dead She is the ideal mother and Wife
Patroness of nature and magic Friend of slaves, sinners
artisans and the downtrodden Isis the mother of Horus
GOLDEN FALCON-headed god of KINGship and Christ
The profane usage of her name is unspeakable
The Sword of karma will strike hard against those who defame her
She brought Osiris back to life the Resurrection of Christ is is born
The sacred nature of Egyptian Names Magic World grown ignorant
Evil IS There, Sehkmet IS the Eye of RA, Powerful ONE, the FLAME
End humanity's darkness brought on by obscenities, chaos and lies
We know nothing in our hearts of the divine feminine
Powerful lioness SEhKMET Goddess to be understood
Righteous hold the ANhK sounding Tone end mystery
Heart of the beast wakes SehKmeT See with Eye of RA
Sekhmet of ancient light and hidden secrets
The blue star burns for Ra's gift of vision
Ptah calls you home to comfort its spirits
The black cat hunts the blood of the wicked
Anubis tracks the shadows of men of war
Sister Bast protects joyful love of Hathor
Mystic star of Regulus lights twin flames
Pyramid Priestesses sing the sacred names
Lionness awake the dreaming goddess Bast
Osiris and the jackal pass the moist air of Maat
Nile runs red with blood of dying pharohs
Arise from desert sands the temple of scarabs
Remember initiations of water, wine and life
Isis finds Osiris in the river of the night sky
Falcon flies through the moon and the sun
Messengers of underworlds awaken the one
Sekhmet lusts for blood of her vengeance breathes
Feline passion cleans the pestilence of evil men
Priestess called to stay with the birth of Nefertem
Lotus of cobra snakes the sun from the soil of Neith
Sekhmet sleeps and dreams the secrets of pyramids
The night is Seth's yet the river always flows within
The Falcon flies one eye blind the other one gold
Hathor heals the vision of Horus the God of Pharohs
For the Lioness and the Liongate - by rysa 2007
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